Fahrenheit 451: the temperature which knowledge begin to burn

In a no far future when houses will be fireproof; firefighters will not extinguish fire but their new job will be to burn books.

This is the approach of Ray Bradbury in his novel Fahrenheit 451 where he described a world without lecture and books forbidden. 451 degree Fahrenheit (233 Celsius degree) is the threshold to ignition of organic matter in consequence paper that are make the books. The novel isn’t a defense of editorial industry but they talk about ignorance of society. Societies where all needs are covering people lose their curiosity and they will become believer to the government speech. The easy life helps to accept the status of thing without critics, and the fear of losing the comfortable life blokes mind of ideas that can put in danger this status. In short it has a life of vegetable.

Ray shows people lobotomized by TV unique channel of knowledge and the way to manipulate population. This novel was write in 1953 in the USA of American dream way life, in middle of the hunting of witches and Imperialism in name of world pace, justice and democracy. Relate was writing showing the future, but in more part of this, it describes the American society of epoch; America has fight fascism but fascism seemed implanted in American society. In this context more written shelter science fiction, fashion literary genre of epoch, have criticized drift that took of society. Individual society that believes in explanations of who gives the orders and it doesn’t move any finger when their neighbors have been injured arbitrary.
Ignorance is the great weapon of powerful. USA of 50th decade was in general terms a wealthy society and things were being easy but the poor societies are easily manipulable when population is ignorant. But rich society which has access to culture and knowledge may seem more difficult to manipulate and this is true. So powerful use mechanisms to stop the diffusion of knowledge. All oligarchic system kidnaps the write texts and manipulates education, and segregation of majority of population to knowledge. 
We could thing that powerful monopolizes all knowledge and they take profit of it. But why they want knowledge? They are powerful now, and only they need to prevent remove of their privileged situation. Oligarchy by all media avoids the general public access to knowledge, but they don’t want more information or knowledge than imperative to continue in the elite. In other hand to know too could generate doubts in oligarchy members as illustrate aristocracy of XVIII century or medieval clergy. Society must remain ignorant and fearful to continue controlled by oligarchy.
Current society has a lot of channels to get information and knowledge. In the named information society never people was unformatted than today. Information and knowledge runs around people in great quantity but less quality. Hoax has the same form than reality and channels exploit to sell the easy life without worries, plenty of pleasure or safely emotions. Knowledge is selling with other purchase; joint TV competitions, astrologic predictions and Viagra pills. Trivialization dressed of popularization. At last they manage to make a broad general knowledge of nothing.
Our life of neon light where always is Christmas is full of gives if you are ready to overlook the value of what you have in front. Because the objective is to extinct the questions. Take the tail as workers of Metropolis and walk at your fate, but system play music and it puts Vestals plenty the lane with a carpet of flowers. Don’t thing system are doing it for you. And never question system criteria because it is only one: the criteria of your friend the system.
When Orwell had written 1984 showed a society governed by a Big Brother. A totalitarian world when all things were does it for citizen but without citizen. There was a happy world in “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley. All this world were born from the imagination of writers like Fahrenheit 451 but today all this worlds and other hells in Earth will come to us. I want to believe that we are to time for stop the social involution but we must wake up and yet.


  1. Buena peli...pero no hace falta, con los programas de la tele tienen suficiente.


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