There are argues no valid and there are argues wrong

A lot of thinks and points of view are the engine that makes to grown our knowledge. Societies with freedom of thinking are where knowledge, technology and economy rise and societies where thinking is restricted will became stagnant and impoverished. Luckily the human mind can’t be stop and it finds ways where it can develop. The academy isn’t the home of wises but it’s the home of ideas however these run in streets, factories and even pubs; human think is manifesting in where people can be, and every idea are making the human knowledge. So any argue can’t be exclude. It can be wrong but this would worry us, because time and better argues will discard it.
Unfortunately sometimes some people make argues to avoid prosper other argue. This is very legitimate if the counterargument serves to rich the discussion and it give better proves. But usually this argue only provides noise at discussion with its only finality is stopping the new idea, which often puts in danger basic concepts. In “All argues aren’t valid” I talked about these kind of argues, which take studies out of context or data slightly changed, would show in first time that climate change or human intervention is sometimes good for nature, or in second deny the pernicious effects the human in nature.

These arguments can be inappropriate in the discussion but they are often true. Nevertheless who makes this argues hasn’t any capacity to develop a coherent speech, therefore they must lie. In a blog named ‘Real Science*’ published the next news “73% Increase in Arctic Ice since Last Year” obviously ‘in winter’ but this thing doesn’t fit in headline. Argue is easy Arctic ice is increase and summer melting is normal so global warming is a hoax. I’ve got dubs that it would be true, but I can accept it; although the real question is if winter Arctic ice is higher or smaller compared to winter Ice of precedent years, thing that news never mentioned. Certainly news never mentioned it because the winter Arctic ice is decreases year by year, and this rebated whole speech. In this speech writer directly lied because ice doesn’t increase. If we see the attached photo, on the top, we can see the ice winter in current year, yellow color shows the summer minimum of 2012 green and red the growth; the below picture is the maximum evolve between 1979 – 2000. I can say that news lies.

Sometimes I ask me why? Oil and coal companies don’t want a reduction of CO2 emission but they have better forms to stop it, and more effective as realty shows. I can understand that politicians, who need the money, make whatever would be necessary to protect interests which pay then. But anonymous people what wins to ignore the evidence. It’s possible that this is close to conspiracy theories and shadow interest researching which see in the Climate Change and Global warning another attempt to hide the fact; others have only afraid to lose the life that has now, and prefer to ignore the reality than change their way of life.
Today we live the war of Climate Change counterargument. This war is heading by Climate Skeptics which replaced the Climate Deniers in Anti-Climate Change Crusade. Skeptics gives us argues no valid but sufficient to create debate and stop the reforms needed to combat climate change. In other side we have people who have limited knowledge of question. Surely they have goodwill and in their mind think that are shows the world the true, but empty of lies the climate discussion, and sometimes their silly argues are taking to build a new argue.

*Well only who doesn’t knows the science can put a name as it


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