Fracking, I can’t understand anything?

Today have we faced an energy crisis? No

Today are we in front of climatic crisis? Yes

So, do we must extract energy at any cost? NO, NO and NO

Why we have this obsession to extract oil, and other hydrocarbons, from anywhere and at any price? No there are deeper see, higher mountain or sacred site where if it has one drop of oil exits one company that want to take it. Doesn’t matter how deeper they must drill or how many square kilometers will need raze of forest, fields or villages, for oil is allowed all. 

Night light of gas burning in air

Not too long ago, in time of financial debauchery, when oil was very close to peak, prices of it rose to levels unseen and demand seemed that had unstoppable. In this context, with renewable energy in its early stages and people in the midst of madness of wasted energy, among others, Fracking might seem a solution because higher prices of oil turned it into cost effective. But today when oil producers reduce their extraction due to they do not want to lower prices, this practice hasn’t any economic sense, and only we can understand its persistence for two reasons: first the need for governments to get money for to pay the huge debts that accumulate, second the need to recover an investment costly. In this sense, investors are doing extortion both governments that see it with a kind of give work at people and source of money, and people of the area who don’t look good an activity that destroys the landscape, pollute air and poisons water, as the guardian denounced
We are installed in real madness nonsense. Economist that have plunged the World into the hole where we installed thanks to his inventions, we have delivered them the governance after they demonstrated their incompetence. People are clamoring for the rights that are lost every day, but they ignore the dramatic living conditions suffered by workers in so-called emerging countries so close to slavery (for example dramatic downing of building in Bangla Desh). So it is not surprising when people often said to be concerned about environmental and climate issues, at same time they are increasing domestic energy consumption thanks to the large amount of electronic toys for both children and adults. While industrial activity plummets, electric or fuel consumption falls slowly, which shows the large amount of energy consumed in form spurious. However consumption has dropped, and it’s completely incomprehensible, not only the exploitation of existing fields, but a number of new fields much higher than existing now; especially by the proliferation of projects of traditional extraction.
Any one would say that Kyoto conference has never been. Much of the world agreed to reduce CO2 emissions and this means reducing the consumption of oil and other sources that implies to burn. Today oil extraction should be reduced in the same proportion that CO2, but we all know that hasn’t happened. However, even in this included in this undesirable scenario in which we are still in, fracking must be stopping.
Fracking is a expensive system of extraction where we destroy geological layers. This thing isn’t different that any mining exploitation that drill large galleries, in fact fracking is only a sophistication of oil extraction by blowing air with bombs (usual landscape of Texas fiels), but this doesn’t mean current mining is specifically clean. It doesn’t necessary to list the environmental disasters caused by mining. Fracking has been adding, in addition to the pollution associated with mining, a problematic inherent to it.
Basically Fracking is an oil drilling. For careful handling of the product that makes, its condition of fluid causes that with time penetrating his dirty way around. Obviously with careful, without it we can see the delta of Niger or the black tides. And all oil drill has an aerial burner that used to remove the product cannot handle. When I say “can’t handle” I’m referring a dangerous product, because oil and gas are a dangerous products. We know that life is a dangerous site but near at oil facility more. The current lucky is in that oil fields are big and far of us, this allows a concentration in transportation and manipulation to minimize the risk. In short the oil wells are dangerous and polluting, but the fracking up the commitment level.
Fracking at difference of current oil drilling takes oil and gas with geological layers with low concentration of product. This is summarized in that not only does not have enough pressure to raise, in fact there aren’t enough pressure for open path if we put external pressure. The solution of its problem is destroy the geological layer but at difference of other drilling methods that only affect the drilling zone (at the moment, the hold and the weight make down the land), it uses water in higher pressures that break the layer and its neighboring. As the product doesn’t raise itself, the same water that crushed stone drag the product, and anther things that they don’t want. 30% of product extract must be burned, high productivity, with a consequence of a pollution (nobody knows what burn really) and increase of CO2 in atmosphere for nothing. And to top the list of misfortunes, we can add the cost of water for both conventional mining jobs and the huge amount needed to drag the product and make sensational pressures. Water dirtied for both the chemicals used to enhance performance and the remains of the extracted product that cannot be removed. But not only the superficial water is surface water is contaminated, aquifers also. Remember that crush all kinds of layers in the process aquifers and the consequences upon finishing bust.
The other characteristic of it is the little the fragmentation of the facilities. The system can cover large areas round the site of extraction, so they don’t make any great installation because it would be very expensive for the product to extract, and we don’t expect great pipelines, all will carry in tracks. And not believe that there will be heavy security either.

And my question is Why?
Why fracking continues to expand when its expansion will finish dropping prices make it uneconomic?
Why governments bet on a model and they try to sell to the society so it isn’t?
Why, front the excuse of an energy crisis, governments sell it as the solution to all problems? Including environmental.
And when governments have committed to reducing CO2 emissions; Why, at the same time, they encourage and allow a short-term activity that will become useless? Maybe don’t they think to fulfill their commitments?
Fracking doesn’t give jobs because its activity is highly mechanized. But instead probably it will destroy farming around it. And even in a world where has only oil with energy, why Fracking if we have enough conventional oil drilling both exploitation and reserves. This can be understood in a desperate situation where fracking is a last resort, because all kind of energy source is less expensive. Frankly only madness and ignorance make it understandable.


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