
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: octubre, 2012

Infinite growth

Since Edwin Hubble showed that the expansion of the universe in 1929, although in fact it was Georges Lemaître in 1927 who first discovered, the dream of unlimited growth was a reality. The twentieth century became the space age, humans will be covering interplanetary distances, we will travel to the stars and we colonize the universe as the times of the great discoveries of the modern age, it will become the human golden future. In the 60s of the last century we had certainly that we will be exploring Mars and the existence of human colonies in Moon or orbit around earth at the end of the century. But we arrived at 2012 and there is only a space station orbiting the earth with a population of three astronauts. The space that we have it’s too far for humans. We dream in Martian exploration but we don’t dare go to the moon that is a challenge three or four degree of magnitude less difficult than a trip to Mars. As ever our perceptions have betrayed us and what we assumed th